During a normal pregnancy, birth and postpartum, the midwife is the person to go to for follow-up. Midwifery-led care has been seen to lead to a better experience for parents and more satisfaction during the pre- and postnatal period.
At Zwanger in Brussel we combine monthly check-ups with information regarding labour and birth in a calm and comfortable environment. We inform you about the process of pregnancy, birth, postpartum and breastfeeding. Every appointment there is time to ask your questions.
The consultations are held in different locations. Everyday it is possible to have an appointment in our practice in Molenbeek, close to Dansaert. Every monday morning consultations are possible in Praktijkhuis Bles in Laken (next to huisartsenpraktijk De Tandem).
The first appointment takes about an hour. During that hour a file is opened and you get information about the way we work. Apart from that there is time for all your questions, we do the medical check-up (even take a blood sample when necessary) and you get a pregnancy booklet. Further medical consultation take 30 min.
In the first months of pregnancy the consultations are scheduled monthly, after that the frequency goes up, even to weekly follow-up in the final weeks of pregnancy.
The medical checkup consists of:
We give you a prescripstion for the ultrasounds at 12, 22 and 32 weeks. At least once per trimester a blood test is taken, more if necessary. When there is an indication, transferal to your physician or obstetrician is made.
Appointments are possible:
We advise you to contact us as soon as possible during your pregnancy.
Fill out the registration form to make an appointment.
We try to answer within 24h. If that isn't the case, it might be really busy or something went wrong. Do not hesitate to mail us a reminder. Please check if our mail might have reached your spam folder.